Showing posts with label Impulse Steam Turbine. Show all posts
By : Asad Ali Arshad
CHAPTER: Rotodynamics Machinery
BOOK: Applied Thermodynamics by TD Eastop and A McConkey, 5th Edition.
For the complete detail of this chapter download the given slides. The slides consists of complete description, diagrams and derivations.
Rotodynamic Machinery in which a fluid flow freely through impeller or rotor.
BOOK: Applied Thermodynamics by TD Eastop and A McConkey, 5th Edition.
For the complete detail of this chapter download the given slides. The slides consists of complete description, diagrams and derivations.
Rotodynamic Machinery in which a fluid flow freely through impeller or rotor.
- the transfer of energy between fluid and rotor is continuous and
- the change of Angular Momentum of the fluid causes, or is the result of Torque on rotor.
This chapter covers the Basic Theory of Turbines and Compressor used in Steam Plant and Gas Turbine Plant.
Impulse Steam Turbine
- Impulse Turbine
- Takes a high pressure, high-enthalpy fluid.
- Expand it in a Fixed Nozzle.
- Steam coming out through a fixed nozzle at a very high velocity strikes the blades fixed on the periphery of a Rotor.
- Blade change the direction of steam without changing its pressure.
- Force due to change of momentum(by changing the direction) causes the rotation of the turbine shaft.
Fluid flowing through the wheel at a fixed mean radius, then the change of Linear Momentum tangential to the wheel gives a Tangential Force that causes the wheel to rotate.
Assume initially that the fluid is able to enter or leave the wheel passage in the Tangential Direction with an Absolute Velocity at inlet Cai and an Absolute Exit, Cae.
For a fixed blade Cb=0.
For more detail download the given slides the slides consist of complete description and detail of impulse steam turbine.
Hitec Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineeirng Hitec Mechanical Engineering As we know Mechanical Engineering is the branch of engineering dealing with the des...