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Mechanics of Material
By : Asad Ali Arshad
In these slides following topics are discussed in detail and some of the example problems related to these topics are also available.
The lecture 1 is actually Chapter 1 and Lecture 2 is Chapter 2 in both these to lecture we will basically complete two chapters of Mechanics of Material 7th Edition.
Chapter no 2 : Stress and Strain Axial Loading
The following topics are included in this chapter..
- Stress & Strain: Axial Loading
- Normal Strain
- Stress-Strain Test
- Stress-Strain Diagram: Ductile Materials
- Stress-Strain Diagram: Brittle Materials
- Hooke’s Law: Modulus of Elasticity
- Elastic vs. Plastic Behavior
- Fatigue
- Deformations Under Axial Loading
- Example 2.01
- Sample Problem 2.1
- Static Indeterminacy
- Example 2.04
- Thermal Stresses
- Poisson’s Ratio
- Generalized Hooke’s Law
- Dilatation: Bulk Modulus
- Shearing Strain
- Example 2.10
- Relation Among E, n, and G
- Sample Problem 2.5
- Composite Materials
- Saint-Venant’s Principle
- Stress Concentration: Hole
- Stress Concentration: Fillet
- Example 2.12
- Elastoplastic Materials
- Plastic Deformations
- Residual Stresses
- Example 2.14, 2.15, 2.16
Hitec Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineeirng Hitec Mechanical Engineering As we know Mechanical Engineering is the branch of engineering dealing with the des...