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Evaporation and Boiling
By : Asad Ali Arshad
Difference between Boiling and Evaporation:
Boiling | Evaporation |
Takes place only at a particular temperature at which the vapour pressure of the liquid becomes equal to the atmospheric pressure.
Occurs spontaneously at all temperature. In all seasons whether it is winter or summer.
Involves the formation of bubbles of the vapour throughout the bulk of the liquid.
Takes place only at the surface of the liquid.
Also we can saw evaporation is a process in which a substance changes its state from the liquid state to gaseous state.
Evaporation is a process whereby the water is changing into vapour without boiling.
It is a quick process.
It is a slow process.
Bubbles are formed.
No bubbles are formed.
Occurs at a specific temperature.
Occurs at all temperature.
Source of energy needed.
Energy supplied by surrounding.
By : Asad Ali ArshadChapter no 1 : Thermodynamics and Energy
All living things depend on Energy for survivalModern civilizations will continue to thrive only if existing source of energy can be developed to meet the Growing demands.
Energy exist in many Forms: From energy Locked in the atoms of matter itself to the intense radiant energy emitted by the Sun.
In this chapter we will discussed the following topics in detailed.
- What is Thermodynamics?
- Energy and its forms?
- Thermodynamics and Energy?
- Fundamental Concepts of Thermodynamics
- Macroscopic vs microscopic points of view.
- Conversion of energy from on form to other
- Classical Thermodynamics and Statistic Thermodynamics
- Application area of thermodynamics
- System and Control Volume (Open,closed and isolated system)
- Concept of Continum
- Laws of themodynamics
- Temperature scale and Pressure?
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